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When Horse Flies Buzz Around: Everything You Need to Know!

Hey there, bug-busting buddies! If you’ve ever received a pesky horsefly’s attention, you know how crucial understanding them can be. Dive into the fascinating world of horse flies with me, and let’s get down to the “brass tacks”! The Horse Fly Menu: Who Eats Them? (What animals eat horse flies?) Birds: Many species, like swallows …

Understanding the Crane Fly: More Than Just Skeeter Eaters

Crane flies, often referred to as “mosquito eaters” or “daddy long legs,” (one of several creatures given the name) crane flies are a common sight in many parts of the world. Despite their somewhat intimidating appearance, these insects play an essential role in our ecosystem. This blog post will delve into the fascinating world of …

Say Goodbye to Pesky Flies with Effective Fly Control Treatments

Introduction: As the weather warms up, flying insects, especially flies, become more prevalent. Dealing with flies buzzing around your home can be a nuisance, affecting your outdoor enjoyment and cleanliness indoors. If you’re tired of constantly swatting flies or cleaning up after fly-chasing adventures, it may be time to consider fly control treatments. In this …

September Flies

Why are Flies worse in September than any other month? Have you noticed that there is an increase in the amount of flies buzzing around Idaho in 2020? At Barrier Pest Control we’ve noticed a definite uptick in the amount of customers calling about flies. Fly season begins in early summer but then builds to …

Give Us A Shot!

Because of who we are, our history, our commitment to the future, our guarantee, and the specific standards that we hold ourselves to, we are confident that you will want to do business with us. Give us a call at (208) 463-4533 to request a quote! We are open Monday through Friday, 8 AM – 5 PM.

Service Area (Southwest Idaho)

Our pest control services are available in Boise, Garden City, Eagle, Emmett, Meridian, Kuna, Nampa, Melba, Middleton, Star, Marsing, Homedale, Caldwell and Mountain Home...and as of 2024, we're servicing Horseshoe Bend, Cascade, Donnelly, and McCall!
