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When Horse Flies Buzz Around: Everything You Need to Know!

Hey there, bug-busting buddies! If you’ve ever received a pesky horsefly’s attention, you know how crucial understanding them can be. Dive into the fascinating world of horse flies with me, and let’s get down to the “brass tacks”!

The Horse Fly Menu: Who Eats Them?

(What animals eat horse flies?)

  • Birds: Many species, like swallows and martins, delight in feasting on horse flies. Just imagine a swift swallow snatching a horse fly mid-air!
  • Spiders: Our eight-legged pals weave intricate webs that often ensnare these winged nuisances.
  • Dragonflies: Speedy dragonflies give horse flies a run (or flight!) for their money and often gobble them up during mid-flight acrobatics.

The Unsettling Side of Horse Flies: Diseases & Parasites

(Can horse flies carry parasites? What disease do horse flies carry?)

While horse flies primarily annoy horses, humans aren’t exempt from their bothersome behavior. Here’s what’s brewing:

Parasites: They can carry parasites but don’t hit the panic button yet. Transmission to humans is rare, but staying informed is always wise.

  • Trypanosomes: These are tiny parasitic protozoa. In some regions, horse flies are vectors for Trypanosoma species that cause animal trypanosomiasis, often called “nagana” or “Surra.” Fortunately, the form of Trypanosoma transmitted by horse flies does not usually affect humans.
  • Filarial worms: Horse flies can transmit these parasitic worms. The aforementioned Loa loa is a filarial worm that can be transmitted to humans through horse fly bites.

Diseases: Horse flies can carry various diseases, underscoring the importance of preventing their bites.

  • Tularemia: Often referred to as “rabbit fever,” this is a bacterial disease that can be transmitted to humans and animals through horsefly bites.
  • Anthrax: While it’s more common for this disease to affect animals, especially cattle and sheep, horse flies can, in rare instances, transmit anthrax to humans.
  • Loiasis: This is a tropical disease caused by the Loa loa worm. Horse flies can act as vectors, transmitting the worm to humans.

The Itchy & Ouchy: Identifying and Dealing with Horse Fly Bites

(How bad is a horse fly sting? What happens when horse flies bite you? How do you know if you’ve been bitten by a horsefly? Why are horse fly bites so sore? Can horse flies give you cellulitis? Will Benadryl help a horsely bite? Why do horsefly bites swell so much? What’s the best thing for horsefly bites? What bug bites look like pimples?)

  • Spotting the Bite: If you feel a sharp pain followed by itching, it’s likely a horse fly’s handy work. Their bites can resemble pimples, but they’re often larger and much itchier.
  • Why So Sore? Horse flies use their scissor-like mouthparts to cut into the skin before sipping blood. This method causes the notorious soreness associated with their bites.
  • That Swelling Sensation: These bites often swell significantly due to the anticoagulant they release while feeding. It prevents blood clotting and ensures a free-flowing meal.
  • Beyond the Bite: In rare cases, a horsefly bite can lead to cellulitis, an infection requiring medical attention. Remember, redness that keeps spreading needs a doc’s tending!
  • Easing the Itch: Home remedies might provide short-term relief but can’t beat professional solutions. To alleviate itching, antihistamines like Benadryl can be your trusty ally. For the ultimate peace of mind, though, always consider professional pest control (wink, wink!).

The Horse Fly Lowdown: Speed, Behavior, and Activity

(What’s the best thing for horsefly bites? Can horse flies bite through clothing? How aggressive are horse flies? What months are horse flies active?)

  • Need for Speed: These flies aren’t just nuisances but FAST nuisances. A horsefly can zoom around at speeds of up to 90 mph. No wonder they’re hard to swat!
  • Aggression Level: Horse flies are pretty determined and can be downright aggressive when seeking a blood meal. Ever had one that just won’t leave you alone? Yep, that’s them!
  • Active Hours and Seasons: Horse flies love the sun and are most active during daylight. Their peak season? Those sweltering summer months.
  • Clothing Conundrum: Think clothes will shield you? Think again! These persistent pests can bite through clothing, especially if it’s thin.

Barrier Pest Control: Your Ultimate Shield

As we wrap up our deep dive into the world of horseflies, remember that while there are methods to ease the symptoms of a bite, the best strategy is always prevention. Don’t rely on short-term fixes; go for the gold standard.

You’ve got questions, and we’ve got answers. Contact us at Barrier Pest Control at (208)463-4533. Trust the experts, and keep those pesky pests at bay!

Till next time, stay curious and bug-free!

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Our pest control services are available in Boise, Garden City, Eagle, Emmett, Meridian, Kuna, Nampa, Melba, Middleton, Star, Marsing, Homedale, Caldwell and Mountain Home...and as of 2024, we're servicing Horseshoe Bend, Cascade, Donnelly, and McCall!
